Faith Lutheran provides financial assistance to members whose children attend one of our local Lutheran schools, including Trinity Lutheran Elementary School, Immanuel Lutheran Elementary School and Calvary Lutheran High School. Volunteer opportunities also abound to aid in the schools’ extracurricular activities.
Calvary's Gift, HALO and Pregnancy Help Center
Faith regularly collects donations for and participates in fundraising activities for local service organizations, such as Calvary's Gifts, HALO, and Pregnancy Help Center. An announcement will be placed in the church bulletin to inform you when donations are needed and when charity events are scheduled.
Public Schools
Faith Lutheran is a community partner with West Elementary School, the public school located just a couple of blocks from our church building. Volunteer opportunities exist to support teachers and students on a regular basis and through various special events.
Salvation Army
Faith Lutheran cooks and serves a meal at the Salvation Army from 4:15 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. on the second and fourth Saturday evening of each month. It’s a good way for adults and children alike to serve. Sign-up sheets are on a table in the church entryway.