Prayer Opportunities
Prayer GroupIf you have a prayer need, please let us know and we would love to pray for you! All prayers are confidential. You can submit prayer requests at the bottom of the attendance card at church or you may contact the church office to let us know your prayer needs. Prayer Group meets every Wednesday at 11:00 am in the church parlor. Anyone is welcome. If you feel moved to come pray, please join us, we’d love to have you! |
The Prayer WellThe Prayer Well is located as you enter the Sanctuary. All names of members of Faith Lutheran Church are in the prayer well. Please consider picking a name or more from the well and pray for them until the next Sunday. There are prayer postcards on the side of the well to mail to the person or persons to let them know you are praying for them. |
College Student Prayer PartnersVolunteers from the congregation are paired with college students from Faith and pray for the students all year. Each prayer partner also regularly corresponds with their individual student. Volunteer prayer partners receive a packet with instructions, eight cards and envelopes (postage-paid), and information about their student. Please use the Contact Us button below to get signed up.